New Chapters

It’s that time of year again. Senior pictures, graduation pictures, prom pictures….it makes me giddy 🙂 Having been homeschooled myself, there are many “normal” high school things that I missed out on. I’m not gonna lie, a lot of the shoots I do I’m living through my clients. Watching them through the lens gives me a sense of peace about what I’ve missed out on. The main theme to these shoots is simple but quite often a big deal: starting a new chapter. Whether they’re looking at colleges, finally working up the courage to ask “the one” to the prom, or packing up to head off to a new unknown land, it’s an exciting time. Two of my favorite sessions were in these categories.


First up is Hannah. This girl is beyond gorgeous, and seriously made my job so easy. Usually I have to give direction, how to stand, relax your face, don’t forget to smile. And finding flattering angles is crucial, but not with Hannah. It seriously didn’t matter what I did, it’s not possible for this lady to take a bad picture. I had so much fun talking to her about college plans and her future, and sharing her excitement for this new chapter in her life.









I mean come on, look at that face!











Joey & Taylor

The second shoot that I’m in love with (and lived vicariously through) is of two dear friends of mine. I used to work with them, and had the privilege of watching their love story unfold. When they asked me to take their prom pictures I was beyond excited, and when they told me they wanted a woodsy, natural feel to their pictures I had to restrain myself from jumping up and down like a maniac. I immediately knew the perfect place, having played there many times while growing up. As an adult I had dreamed many times about taking pictures up by Lytle Creek, but hadn’t yet found anyone who was up for the challenge of tacking the slightly rough terrain. To their credit, Joey and Taylor were up for anything. They never questioned what I wanted them to do, or even hesitated for that matter. They took direction like champs, and rocked that photoshoot like movie stars. There was such a natural way about their love for each other that just shone through the pictures. I had no idea at the time that in just a few short months I would be capturing pictures of their wedding day, but that’s a story for a different day.

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This field was a last minute decision I made as we were driving away. We passed by it and I immediately pulled over, feeling like there could be something there. They ended up being my favorites from the session. Which just goes to show that photographers should always listen to their instincts. 378768_367103000066015_1570334098_n 430534_367102823399366_931094584_n 430569_367102563399392_1359650196_n

They had way too much fun562313_367103606732621_735308497_n 601789_367103130066002_1206395122_n 603695_367102343399414_1105475390_n 922970_367102693399379_899827541_n 923131_367102376732744_1024481788_n 923271_367102516732730_1125421397_n 923424_367103656732616_55107255_n


This session was my last one with my point and shoot, and also my very first paid gig 🙂 There are so many reasons why these pictures hold a special place in my heart, they represent a huge turning point in my business, I got to go back to a wonderful place with a lot of childhood memories, but the biggest reason why I adore these pictures is the love story they tell. These two truly adore each other, and they’re wonderful friends. I can’t wait for the next session we have planned, stay tuned 😉


It’s never too late for pictures! If you still need your Senior pictures, Graduation pictures, or Prom pictures (or know someone who does) shoot me an email at or call me (909) 254-8215

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